2011. ¹ 3



1. N. Saakashvili1, A. Tsibadze2

SPA at Health Care Service

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.15-17


1Tbilisi Balneal Resort  - The Georgian  Scientific–Practical Center for Balneology, Physiotherapy and  Rehabilitation; 2Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia.


Spa (often regarded as the abbreviation of  Latin “Sanitas pe(pro) aquam”– curing  by water) is a well-known Balneal Resort in Belgium. Nowadays, SPA has branched into several directions:  Spa-resort, Spa-center, Spa-salon, Day-Spa. In old terminology, Spa  means  a resort recreation zone or a setting  that use balneal therapy, heliodotherapy, recreation, cosmetic(beauty) procedures, etc.

Georgian medical professionals attach Spa the sense of healthy life stile, tourism, balneology and balneal therapy, apt and skillful usage of mineral waters for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Based on the above, Tbilisi , the region richest in  Spa centers has been  rightly  recognized as a Resort-City. If Budapest is the Capital City of Balneology, then Tbilisi is the only one Resort-City that possesses both medicinal thermal waters and climate-therapeutic resources. This has been stipulated by the existence and effective functioning of Tbilisi Balneal Resort – the Georgian Scientific-Practical Center for Balneology, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Medical Tourism,  which is  appropriately equiped with every component required for a Spa-Center.




2. Shavianidze G.,  Shavianidze M.

Joint disease stages, the optimal characteristics of the rehabilitation measures

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.17-19


Rehabilitation medicine balneology and scientific research of the Federal Center. Moscow, RF


Increase of the frequency of Musculoskeletal diseases, require multi differentiated medical rehabilitation, which should provide comfortable living conditions and living loads optimization, the daily and weekly physical tonic training. Outpatient – inpatient complex preferably repeated twice a year, and resort treatment period of one year shall not exceed. In general all stages of life during multiple repeated.



3. Kristin King1, M. Pirtskhalava 3,  M. Mirtskhulava2,

G. Mamukashvili 4, Z. Barbakadze 2,  K. Zaridze 2, n. BARNABISHVILI2

Environmental exposure and WOMEN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.19-21


1University of Michigan, USA; 2 National Center for Disease Control and Public Health; 3Medical University – GEOMEDI; 4David Tatishvili Medical Center, Tbilisi, Georgia



Cervical cancer is leading cause of cancer among Georgian women. However, few women in Georgia have been screened for cervical cancer. In our study, only 8% had been screened for cervical cancer, 10% were currently experiencing symptoms of reproductive tract infections and 94% of women never use condoms. Due to the low number of women screened and the high number of women experiencing reproductive tract infections, it is possible that many cases of cervical cancer are missed.



4. Chikviladze D., Gachechiladze Kh., Mikeladze M., Metreveli D.,

Sinjikashvili M., Iosebashvili T.

On the antibioticoresistancy of the S. enteritidis strains isolated from the children with acute intestinal infections

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.21-25


Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Georgia


The spectrum of sensitivity of  95 S.enteritidis strains isolated from children admitted to Tbilisi hospitals in 2004-2006 to 23 antibiotics has been studied by the agar dilution method, which established an increase in the pathogen’s drug resistance and the emergence of multidrug-resistant strains (33,7%). It has been found that the drug resistance of the pathogen to nalidixic acid and aminoglycosides (gentamicin and tobramicin in particular) increases and its high sensitivity only to carbopenems, some ftuoroquinolones, aminopenicillins and third-fourth generation cephalosporins preserves. Further evolution of drug resistance in this direction may lead to the formation of hospital strains among S.enteritidis ones and alter an epidemiological process and the clinical course of the disease.


5. Mchedlishvili T.

Implication of some food products in the spread of salmonellosis

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.25-26


Public Health Department, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


Frequency of the consumption of chicken meat, eggs and their cooked food products  were studied in a case-control study among  persons with salmonellosis caused by S.enteritidis and the findings were compared with the selected control  group.

The study results showed that the cases more often than health persons consume the mentioned products (84,6±6,4% and 81,25±6,9% - in cases and 60,5±7,9% and 55,3±8,1% - in controls).



6. Mchedlishvili I., Guramishvili S., Imnadze P., KaTSitadze G.

Spread of chronic viral B-hepatitis  in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.26-29


Department of public health of Tbilisi State Medical  University

National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Tbilisi, Georgia


Current epidemiology of chronic viral hepatitis B (chronic HBV) was studied in Georgia. Dramatic increase of chronic HBV has been observed for the past decade. In contrast to 2001 a 12.3-fold increase in incidence rates was reported in 2010. Along with the increase of the rates proportion of chronic HBV in the sum of viral hepatitis of the liver  composed 29.9% based on the data for 2008-2010.  The disease is unequally spread in the country and some regions, namely Ajara and Imereti are characterized with high prevalence. The majority of the cases are detected in the youth, in the age group 20-29, incidence rate of which composed 104.9 per 100 000 population.


7. Mamuchishvili N.,  Mchedlishvili I., Imnadze P. 

Trend of Leptospirosis in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.29-31


National Center for Disease Control and Public Health; Department of public health of Tbilisi State Medical  University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Trend of leptospirosis was studied in Georgia.  Incidence rate has significantly increased since 2006 and in 2010 the highest rate - 16.5 per 10 000 population was registered. The recent increase in incidence rate, in our opinion, is mainly associated with the improvement in diagnosing of the infection. The study of the disease by place showed that the infection is mostly spread in Ajara, that is likely to be also  associated with the improvements in diagnostics.



8. Isakadze A.

Isolated Systole Arterial Hypertension

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.31-33


The science Academy of Preventive Medicine of Georgia,

TSMU Therapy Departament, Tbilisi


Isolated systolic hipertension is elevation of sistolic arterial pressure with 140 mmHg or more in the conditions of normal dyastolic arterial pressure. Pulse arterial pressure is increased. Significance is abatement of flexibility of aorta and blood vessels. Orthostatic hypertension, hypokinetic type of hemodynamic and increased peripherial resistence are characterestic. Medicine treatment begins with diuretics and calcium antagonists. We may apply AGP inhibitors and  b–blokers with caution. Treatment approach for patients at the age of 80 or over of great importance.



9. Isakadze A.

Damage of Cardio-Vascular System during Rheumatic Discose

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.33-34


The science Academy of Preventive Medicine of Georgia,

TSMU Therapy Departament, Tbilisi


During rheumatoid arthritis pericarditis is developed. Endocarditis causes heart valvular disease. The reason of myocardial injure may become amiloidosis. Rheumatoid coronaritis should be mentioned. Systemic Lupus Erithematosus causes demage of pericarditis. During systemic sclerodermia heart ischemic diseases, myocarditis, fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension are developed. Blood vessel damage is cardinal and pathognomic sign for vasculitis. Seronegative spondilopaties are characterized with abnormality of aortic regurgitation heart rate and conductivity.



10. Eloshvili M.R., Imnadze P.G., Mchedlishvili I.M., Katsitadze G.K.

Meningococcal Infection in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.34-37


Department of Public Health of Tbilisi State Medical University; National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Georgia


Morbidity with meningococcal infection in Georgia is characterized  by  downward trend, the lowest level of the infection was reported in 2010, when the  incidance rate composed 0,34 per 100 000 population that, in our opinion, doesn’t reflect  the  real magnirude of the disease in the country.  Lethality is quite high, according to the data for 2006-2010  it sonstitute 19.9+4,2%. It is even higher in children up to one year of age - 30,0%.

laboratory diagnostics of meningococcal infections as well as meningitis of bacterial etiology should be improved in Georgia.



11. N. Khachapuridze, M. Tsimakuridze, D. Zurashvili, Maia Tsimakuridze,

M. Kvartskhava, E. Maisuradze

Immunological Changes among  the miners and patients with occupational bronchial asthma caused by manganese

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.37-40


Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Environmental Health

and Occupational Medicine, Georgia


This article deals with the studies of immunological status among the miners working in Chiatura and the patients with occupational bronchial asthma caused by manganese. T lymphocytes and its subpopulations and B  lymphocytes  were  investigated . And the changes of total T lymphocytes and TH were  stated  in blood of the patients with occupational bronchial asthma caused by manganese. The research of immunological status must be introduced  into the biological monitoring plan that to prevent this disease.


12. Kajrishvili M., Tsimakuridze Maia, Khachapuridze N., Kekelashvili Kh.,

Kvartskhava M., Tsimakuridze M.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.40-42


Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


We carried out a special analyze on mother-to-baby health situation in Georgia. Data obtained by analyze proves increase of conception-fertility rate and its approximation dramatically decreased death rate of mothers as well as rates of prenatal death and death of children under 12 months of age. Affirmative dynamics have been admitted among newborn and stillborn babies in respect of weight characteristics. Positively can be appraised decrease of rate of abortions in different age groups. In increased only in 15-19 years old groups.



13. Kverenchkhiladze R.G., Rokva V.A., Arabidze M.A., Righinashvili M.A., Qvatadze M.K., Chikovani A.A., KvadagianiK.I., Tatalashvili N.S., Kverenchkhiladze N.R.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.42-44


N.Makhviladze Institute of Labor Medicine and Ecology, Tbilisi, Georgia


Based on regulatory enactments have been studied labor conditions of employees of grain industry. Found out and ascertained existence of complex of unfavorable factors for environment and of labor process. Labor conditions of the employees were assessed as unfavorable – class 3.2 of job hazard. The elaborated sanitary measures will be based on the outcome of implemented research/study.



14. Kurashvili B.V., Zarnadze Sh.A., Kverenchkhiladze G.R.


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.44-46


Trends of Nutrition and Age Medicine, TSMU, Tbilisi, Georgia


Based on the critical analyze of the situation in the sphere of governmental policy of securing public with healthy and rational nutrition, and elaborated plan of providing population with quality foodstuffs and securing them from the dangerous products, has been envisaged several long term plans. Implementation of recommended actions will be a precondition of good results.


15. Lobjanidze N.,  Chavchanidze N.,  Kobidze T.,  Giorgobiani T.,Kutubidze S., Rusieshvili L.,   Qurdadze E., Topuria D.

Environment pollution with lead and human health

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.46-49


Direction of Clinical Toxicology, Department of Critical Medicine, TSMU, Georgia


Pollution of environment with lead-containing substances is directly linked to industry and transportation, lead-containing food, use of tinned food in iron cans, children toys painted with lead-containing dyes. This topic was announced by us at the International Conference Health and Ecology in Batumi in September, 2010. In the current publication we tried to attract attention of the society on this problem.


16. Katamadze N., Topuria D.

From Metabolic Syndrome to Cardiovascular Disease

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.49-51


TSMU, Georgia


Metabolic syndrome is a pathogenetically interconnected symptom-complex –  visceral obesity (fat), arterial hypertension, disturbance of carbohydrate and fat metabolism. According to IDF definition, the main component of metabolic syndrome is visceral obesity. Metabolic syndrome, characterized with rising tendency, is considered as a disease of welfare, especially in children and adults. Metabolic syndrome increases a complication risk of diabetes mellitus four times and cardiovascular diseases twice as much, respectively. The principles of endothelial dysfunction are included into biology of visceral fat. In treatment an important role is given to life-style modification.



17. N. Gotsiridze  T. Gotsiridze

Kinesiology models of chewing system of the person

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.51-54


TSMU Morphology Departament, Tbilisi, Georgia



Kinesiology of the bottom jaw - studies features of its movements. Participating in realization of chewing, swallowing, speech, the bottom jaw makes various movements in three directions: vertical (opening and mouth closing), sagittal (promotions forward and back) and lateral, or transversal (movings to the right and to the left).We have offered kinesiology model of the chewing device of the person.

Leaning against mechanics and biophysics laws, and involving morfo-functional and electromechanical analogies, have constructed models of  physiology of  teeth which have allowed to explain the results of  researches of neurophysiology known and received in work and mechanics of  teeth. The chewing role in an enamel mineralization is defined, the mechanism of transformation of energy of elastic fluctuations of firm fabrics of teeth in electromagnetic energy of the nervous terminations is offered.




Methods of choosing perspective sportsmen’s

according to biomotor abilities and functional systems

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.54-57


Ilia State University, Georgia, Tbilisi


In the article talent, inheritance and surrounding are described as factors that have a big impact on highest sport result. The work that was done at highly qualified sportsmen, aimed to study their functional abilities, shows, that when exercising in different level from sea, ones functional abilities changes as it is directly impacted by this factor.




Aspects of sportive optimization in Judo

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.57-61


In the article the development of the strength of arms and trunk as well as lung vital capacity of Judokas is measured in dynamics during two year systematic training in Judo. The data given is described according to age. The results have informative meaning to couches as it is useful for choosing the judokas with better sportive abilities.





Gross motor function Disturbances caused by Neurodevelopment abnormalities

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.61-64


Ilia State University, Sport Dept, Tbilisi, Georgia


We have studied gross motor function disturbances caused by neurodevelopment  abnormalities in children.Abnormal development of nervous system causes disorders of motion and postural-abnormal muscle tone, weakness, contractures. We have established, that early intervention, regular physical therapy improves functional independence of affected children.



21. Tabidze G.

Efficacy of the long-term administration of carvedilol in patients with chronic heart failure with and without concomitant diabetes melLitus

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.64-66


Institute of Cardiology, Georgia, Tbilisi


Diabetes mellitus is frequent associated with heart failure and is an indepondent risk factor for an increased mortality and morbidity. Beta-blockers are traditionally regarded as relatively contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. Aim of the study: To assess the eeficacy of carvedilol administratio in patients non-diabetes, ten-diabetes) with chronic heart failure assessed by echocardiolgraphy, 6 min walk test before and after 3 months of maintenance carvedilol treatment. Carvedilol treatment was associated with an impovement in left ventricular function, clinical symptoms hemodinamic parameters compared to basekube, with no significant difference between the diabetic and the non-diabetis patients.

Concomitant diabetes does not influence the eeficacy of carvedilol administration in patients with crhonic heart failure.



22. Javakhadze R.D., Tsereteli M.N., Rukhadze N.T., Chigogidze KH.G.,

Khatiashvili N.S., Shubladze KH.V.,  Gvaberidze O.T., LIFONAVA E.S.

The Dynamics of occupational mobritity and industry risk-factors in manganese industry

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.66-69


N. Makhviladze Institute of Labour Medicine and Ecology, Department of Enviromental and Occupational Medicine; Tbilisi. Georgia.


Actual problem of present-day is to ensure the health and safe work environment. Among the risk-factors, influenced on human health and environment, the harmful occupational factors rank the particular place.  In Georgian industry the mining and processing of manganese takes the leading position, where thousands of people are occupied. On the basis of reiterated practical and research studies, done by our institute in manganese industry, the health and preventive measures on decreasing of occupational risk-factors influence and occupational diseases early diagnostics are elaborated.



The study of morbidity indices of  Rustavi  ’’Azot’’

industry workers

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.69-71


N.Makhviladze Institute of Labour Medicine and Ecology, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Tbilisi, Georgia


The extensive and intensive indices of cyan-salts and ammonium synthesis industry worker’s morbidity were studied by nosological forms, sex, age, occupation and record of work.  By E.L. Notkins international classification in both industries the morbidity index was estimated as very high. In these industries the wave-like changes of general morbidity level were registered among workers with increasing age and record of work.  Selected on the basis of morbidity indices the occupational groups, from hygienic point of view, worked in adverse conditions.



24. G. Bzhalava, V. Gvakharia, T. Adamia

Manganese pollution problems in Chiatura mining region

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.71-75


Scientific-Research Firm „GAMMA“, Tbilisi, Georgia


Presented article describes the primary ecologic problems caused by processing of manganese ore in Chiatura region. Particular attention is paid to environmental pollution sources and factors caused by anthropogenic processes of past and present. Qualitative condition of ambient air and surface waters is assessed. Presented in formation is based on results of field and laboratory research conducted by scientific research firm “Gamma” in Chiatura from 2007 to 2010.



25. Gvakharia V.. Machitadze N., Gelashvili N., Benashvili N.

Results of chemical monitoring of Supsa oil transhipment terminal (2001, 2006 and, 2009)

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.75-80


Scientific-research firm Gamma, Tbilisi, Georgia


Scientific-research firm Gamma carried our water and sea bottom sediment study in the Supsa river mouth and sea water area next to the oil reloading facilities. The research was done in 2001, 2006 and 2009. Objective of the surveys was to evaluate impact of the Supsa terminal on environment and assessment of chemical pollution level within the sea water area. Results of the survey have been compared with the findings of the survey carried out by Norwegian company Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in the same area in 1997. It has been concluded that content of pollutants and their distribution is in the limits of the natural background and that in the period from 1997 to 2009 no traces of negative impact caused by the Supsa terminal are observed.



26. Antelava N., Okujava M., Pachkoria K., Ghonghadze M., Bakuridze K.

Ecology and liver damage

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.80-85


Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy,

Department of Medical Pharmacology, Georgia



Liver damage represents the most widely distributed pathology. It plays a main role in morbidity and mortality of the human population. According to WHO more than 2 billion people suffer from liver damage; this number is 100 times higher than HIV infected population. Every year 500 thousand to 1 million new cases of liver disease are been registered in the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Literature review discuss about the role of nondesirable ecological factors in development of liver damage. Admittedly chemical agents that contaminate environment may have direct destructive influence on liver function, may change human organism sensitivity to drugs, thus leading to iatrogenic hepatotoxicity. Some groups of medicinal agents are known to cause liver damage and liver dysfunction with different types of clinico-morphological patterns.



27. Giorgadze T.G., Maisuradze I.G., Japaridze A.A., Utiashvili  Z.E.

Analyze of influence of natural disasters on health condition of the population from Racha-lechkhumi and Qvemo Svaneti regions

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.85-88


Training Center of Emergency Medical Response and Management, established at

Tbilisi State Medical University


Natural disasters are not unfamiliar for Georgia. One of the actual region is Racha-lechkhumi and qvemo svaneti region, situated in active seismic zone. This region is known for its frequent earthquakes (1991, 2002, 2009), landslides and floodings (2005). The purpose of the presented study is to identify in Racha-lechkhumi and qvemo svaneti region the conection between natural disasters (1991-2009years) and index of population health condition, as well as local hospital readiness in case of emergencies. Study has retrospective character, it consists of 1991 to 2009 years  natural disasters of the research region -  Georgian active seismic zone Racha-lechkhumi and qvemo svaneti. Informative recourses have been studied: Centers for Disease Control CDC; Emergency coordination and regime department of Ministry of labor, health and social care; seismic monitoring centre;  Thus presented study couldn’t show connection between 1991-2009 years natural disasters in Racha-lechkhumi and qvemo svaneti region and population health condition or certain disease. But based on Irimpen’s study it could display possible connection between quantitative index of blood circulation system diseases and natural disasters (earthquake or flooding). Simultaneously, in case of emergency, local hospitals’ readiness is identified.  


28. Khorbaladze M., Zurashvili B., Tskhovrebadze N., Tskhovrebadze I., Kiladze N., Gelovani T.

Actuality of Food Poisoning

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.88-92


TSMU, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, Tbilisi, Georgia


The morbidity of Georgian population from food poisoning in 2007-2010 was studied and preventive measures have been developed. During the period of 2007-2009 the number of people with food poisoning decreased from 4597 to 3805 cases, but in 2010 increased to 4667 cases. Increasing of the numbers of food poisonings during the last years may be explained by two reasons: 1.Inadequate control over products and 2.Regulation of number of food poisoning cases. It is necessary to solve the problem concerning carrying of adequate control over products (locally produced and imported) with the aim of preventing uncertified products from getting to the consumers’ market.



29. Grdzelishvili M.V., Lashkhauri M.A., Giorgobiani M.T., Kiknadze k.G.,

Shubitidze N.D., Sakvarelidze N.K., Datunashvili R.V., Lapherashvili Q.A.,

Gabriadze N.R., Dvali G.N., ZHuruli M.O.

Assessment of Drinking Water Quality of No-Centarlized Water Supply Systems in Some Region of Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.92-94


G.Natadze Scientific-Rresearch Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Medical Ecology, Tbilisi, Georgia


The goal of examination was “The hygienic estimation of quality of small scale water supply systems, wells and springs of Dusheti and Marneuli regions”. Sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-technical condition of individual wells, natural springs and low power rural water-supply systems of these regions is not satisfactory. According to the results of the examinations, drinking water in Dusheti region is characterized by satisfactory mineralization, fluorine content is mainly equal to 0 or is very low and it is noted in spring water. Drinking water in Marneuli region is characterized by satisfactory and optimal mineralization, fluorine content is not fixed in any sample. According to microbiological indicators, it is mainly noted high microbe contamination of well and spring water. The water quality of non-centralized water supply systems does not provide population with supply of epidemiologically safe drinking water.




30. Khorbalaze M., Gelovani T.,  Zurashvili B., Qochoradze T., Chapidze E.

Importance of Salmonella toxic infections and ways

of prevention

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.94-96


TSMU, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health


Morbidity by Salmonella poisoning of the population of Georgia in 2007-2010 and ways of prevention have been studied.  During the period of 2007-2010 the number of people with salmonella poisoning decreased from 236 to 77 cases. This decrease during last years may be explained by the increasing of availability of first emergency aid.



31. Katsitadze G., Kutubidze S., Mikadze T.

Baclofen acute poisoning

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.96-99


I.Javakhishvili State University of Tbilisi. Department of Critical and Emergency Medicine, University Clinical Hospital, Georgia


Baklofen (baklosan) –liorezal the product of Gama Amino Butric Acid, has been widely used in the treatment of muscle spasticity, multiple sclerosis, various spinal disorders.

There are registered cases when baclofen was taket because of suicide effects, and there are cases of baclofen overdose and baclofen withdrawal syndrome. In Georgia baclofen intoxication is registered because of using this medicine for narcotic efeqt. The number of patients degrees from beginning of 21-th centure. 34 patients were presented to the State University clinic in 2007-2011years, and above 80% of them were in coma. The main clinical manifestation was convultions, tachikardia, bradikardia, aryrthmia, respiratory disorders.There is no specific antidote against of Baklofen and the treatment of intoxication is symptomatic. Inspite   of  that condition of patients was critic, they  all have helled.


32. Arziani B., Lekishvili G.

Methods of Evaluation of Solubility of Pollutants of the Hydrosphere

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.99-101


Department of Medical Chemistry, Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Dependence of solution of various important pollutants and biologically active compounds on the structure of their molecules and on thermodynamic parameters. Efficiency of several approaches to solubility modeling has been estimated.


33. Gambashidze K., Khorava P., Azaladze T., Bejitashvili N., Pkhaladze N.,

Gabunia L.,  Azaladze A.

Gram-negative Bacterial agents for immunotherapy of

cancers – perspectives of treatment

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.101-106


Tbilisi State Medical University, Department of Pathophysiology, Georgia.


In the present work the anti-tumor effects of Gram-negative Bacterial preparations (lysates of E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa) at Ehrlich carcinoma growth in laboratory mice have been studied. Anti-tumor effects were evaluated according to the:  index of malignant tumor growth and development (volume of tumor tissue); cancer growth inhibition percent; cancer growth average rate; life-span of experimental animals and percent of survivors.  Results of experiments have shown that application of bacterial vaccines being used against hospital infections is well tolerated in mice and does not stimulate, or support malignant tumor growth. Immunization using E.colli and Ps. aeruginosa has positive anti-tumor effect on experimental animals manifested by inhibition of tumor growth and prolongation of animals’ life-span. 



34. I.Gvineria, M.zhuruli, R.javaxadze, V.Saakadze, T.Oniani

The elevated content of arsenic amounting in environment as a health risk for population

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.106-108


N.Makhviladze Research Institute of  Labour Medicine and Ecology, Tbilisi, Georgia


On the basis of statistical data the morbidity structure in Racha-Lechkhumi and Qvemo Svanety population was analyzed with particular attention to ontological diseases and their possible casual relationship with increasing of arsenic content in the environment.

It is recommended to provide arsenic biomonitoring in population and neutralize the  toxic waste.



35. Garuchava N.,  Kesanashvili T.

Epidemiological features  of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tbilisi

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.108-111


Department of  Public Health of Tbilisi State Medical University. Georgia


Retrospective research of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tbilisi showed, that the incidence has slightly decreased. Highest index of incidence is found in regions of Isani-Samgori and Mtatsminda-Krtsanisi. The reason of  this fact can be favorable  conditions for the existence of Phlebotomus- primarily responsible for the transmission of  Leishmaniasis. Incidence is highest between the ages under 1 (64,8) and 20-29 (4,1). Visceral Leishmaniasis is registered during all seasons of the year due to a wide range of incubation period.



36. Zarnadze I., Zarnadze Sh., Gokieli N., Lomtadze L., Kitovani D., Kajrishvili M

Development of social defense and social security

system in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.111-114


Unit of Health care management, policy and economy, TSMU, Tbilisi, Georgia


The results of this study demonstrate the tendency of evaluation of social security and social defense system in Georgia. Social relationships within population and governance are the social insurance, quality of medical services, quality of life, and evaluation of individual salary of citizens.   The Social Services based on the needs of population.  Effectives of social security operating models are the evaluation of quality of life of disorders, older population, refuges and etc.     

Development of Social insurance system in 21 century in Georgia is the first step   formation of new democracy system and new governance policy in Social defense needs.



37. Zarnadze Sh.,  Darsania T., Raminashvili D., Zarnadze I.,

Lomtadze L., Kajrishvili M.

Eating behavior and health promotion tendency in population

of bordering regions of Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.114-116


Unit of Nutrition and aging medicine, Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


In developing countries, morbidity and mortality are directly related to protein and energy malnutrition, while in many Western countries, health officials have begun to actively promote the consumption of healthy foods.  Health promotion actions are the best known way to achieve a long-term healthy life of population and communities. Health promotion has an important role in the control of disease. For this contribution rational way could be to implement health promotion strategy, which enables community to increase control over, and to improve, their health, be involved in better functioning of service provision. This then calls for health promotion at its most difficult and most powerful acting to build healthy public policy in bordering regions.



38. Katsitadze G., Rekhviashvili A., Koroshinadze A.

Rare Case of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation after Polytrauma

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.116-118


Emergency and Critical Medicine Department of the Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University;

TSU Clinical Hospital, Georgia


In the current paper we report the case of 27-year-old, practically healthy man with paroxysmal atrial fibrilla­tion after auto-crash induced polytrauma. Medical therapy with standard doses of Cordarone during 24 hours was unsuccessful measure. Conversion of atrial fibrillation into a normal sinus rhythm was achieved via electrical cardioversion. For the authors there is not known other scientific paper published in Georgia regarding the same problem.



39. Kugoti I., Vepkhvadze N., Khorbaladze M.

Hygienic Assessment of Irradiation Doses of the Population of Racha-Lechkhumi Region of Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.118-122


TSMU, Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, Tbilisi, Georgia


Radionuclide content in the water and food in Ambrolauri, Oni, Lentekhi and Tsageri districts of Ratkha-Lechkhumi region of Georgia has been studied, internal and total irradiation doses for the population have been defined and proposed preventive measures for its reduction were detected. Internal irradiation dose for the population due to K-40 was identified as

0,85 mSv/y, total irradiation dose (external and internal irradiation) – 1,7 mSv/y.   

To reduce the total irradiation dose of a population it is necessary to provision of the population with new sources of low activity drinking water and severe radiation control of the local and imported foodstuff. It is also necessary to minimize and control of irradiation doses from artificial sources including means of optimization of medical radiological procedures and rational use of fertilizers with K-40 content.


40. V. Eriashvili, T. Tchumburidze, A. Isakadze, N. Nemsitsveridze,

N. Dugashvili, T. Zarkua


J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.122-124


TSMU, Department of Social and clinical pharmacy and department of Therapy, Tbilisi, Georgia


Educational program of clinical pharmacy was started in Tbilisi State Medical University in 2001 and until new it was in the form of theoretical course. In 2011 an agreement  has been signed between department of  social and clinical pharmacy and department of therapy of TSMU. On the base of this agreement magistrates of department of social and clinical pharmacy took 6 day, hours daily. Practical course in hospital under clinicist s supervision to learn details of doctors work. Program included modern methods of diagnostic procedures such as  computer tomography, NMR, echoscope and others used as in republican hospital in Tbilisi. Participants noted positive results of such kind of possibility interact with clinicists and patients not only for magistracy but for bachelors as well.


41. V. Eriashvili, N. Dugashvili, A. Mikadze, T. Chumburidze,

N. Nemsitsveridze, T.Zarqua

Good Pharmacy Practice and Peculiarities in Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.124-126


Tbilisi State Medical University Social and Clinical Pharmacy Departament, Georgia


International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has considered the methodical recommendations such as Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) and established that it can be applied as guidance for national pharmaceutical institutions.The aim of our research was:-To get acquainted with the Good Pharmacy Practice standards presented by International Pharmaceutical Federation and to conduct inquiry among the pharmacists working in a pharmacy network. -To propose recommendations for developing GPP national standards taking into account FIP standards.The results received at the result of inquiry showed that only 30% of GPP national standards proposed by FIP are fulfilled in our country. Therefore, we consider it necessary to offer the following recommendations for developing GPP national standards: - It is necessary to hold conferences, briefings, meetings between the employees of health care sphere, which will facilitate the collegial collaboration among them; - It is necessary that the reference books available to the health products issued with or without prescription in pharmacies; - It is necessary that the confidential room exist in the pharmacy for sincerer conversation between pharmacists and patient; - It is necessary to conduct professional trainings for pharmacists aiming at raising their qualification; - In case of discovering an error made in prescription, pharmacists and doctor should confidentially solve the problem; - Pharmacist should not replace/change the preparation prescribed in the prescription or offer its analogous preparation without doctor’s consent; - For company, pharmacy and pharmacist it should be paramount to care for patient and not to focus on profit.



42. Samakashvili T., Chitishvili T., Gogilashvili T., Katamadze N.

Antiphospholipid Syndrome - Modern Concept About Pathogenesis

 And Treatment

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.126-130


TSMU Department of Internal Medicine ¹2, Tbilisi, Georgia


The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune thrombophilic condition that is marked by the presence in blood of antibodies that recognize phospholipid-binding proteins. The clinical manifestations of APS include vascular thrombosis and pregnancy complications, especially recurrent spontaneous miscarriages. Several study groups have demonstrated the importance of inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of APS. It was also established that tissue factor, p38MAPK, nuclear factors kappa B, complement system, toll-like receptors and annexin are integral to the pathophysiology of the disease. These study groups proposed new targeted therapeutic strategies wich include Rituximab, complement inhibition, anti-cytokine therapy, p38 MAPK inhibitors, nuclear factor inhibitors and tissue factor inhibitors. Newer therapeutic strategies are being proposed that might lead to safer and more efficacious treatment modalities in the future.


43. Sh.Tukvadze   R. kverenchkhiladze   D. Tophuria 

Strategies to combat zinc defficiency

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.130-132


Tbilisi State Medical University Department of Public Health, Georgia


Publication outlines modern aspects of zinc deficiency worldwide. World Health Organization (WHO) data (2004) suggests that zinc deficiency is expected to be widespread, mainly in developing countries, and Georgia is not exception. Zinc is an essential micronutrient needed not only by people but also by crops. Almost half of the world’s cereal crops are deficient in zinc, leading to zinc-defficiency  conditions. The best way of preventing micronutrient malnutrition is food fortification, wich has the dual advantage of being able to deliver nutrients to large segments of the population without requiring radical changes in food consumption patterns.



Optimization of defining occlusive planar surface

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.132-134


Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


It is important to form in a right way prothetic–that is occlusive- planar surface when defining central occlusion of jaws without teeth. Occlusive planar surface is a surface which goes on the touching area of  upper and lower dental curves. At first one should determine Occlusive planar surface in the frontal area and then in the side parts. Some of the researchers suggest the Occlusive planar surface to be parallel of Camper line, whilst others consider it to be parallel of Frankfort horizontal plane. Camper line passes between the lower bound of external auditory canal and lower bound of nostrils. Frankfurt line passes between upper bound of external auditory canal and lower bound of orbit. Our goal was to determine the ratio of Camper and Frankfort lines among the population of Georgia. We examined 100 persons – youths- males and females of 20-22 years old and the result of our research was that Occlusive planar surface of 68 % of examined persons was parallel to Camper line and the rest had it parallel to Frankfort plane. We hope, that our observation will be helpful for Georgian orthopedists when defining  the patients occlusive planar surface.


45. D. Tophuria, N. Katamadze, N. Lobjanidze, E. Kurdadze, Sh. Tukvadze

Morpho-Functional Aspects of the Liver Toxic Damage and it’s further Regeneration

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.134-136


Tbilisi State Medical University, Human Normal Anatomy Department


Liver acute toxic damage is a clinical syndrome, which is developing during severeness of pathological process, which commonly accompanied with massive necrosis of the liver parenchyma. Morphological base of liver,s acute insuficiency is cytological syndrome, which leeds to cell membrane and cell structures damage developing organ,s functional insuficiency. As already known liver has unique ability of reparative regeneration, which is manifested by increasing in number of the peroxisomes, oval shaped mitochondrias and endoplasmic reticulum. Study and research of  livers tremendous regeneration ability is highly important in study already known methods of liver,s pathologies tratment methods and in developing new ones (cell transplantation).


46. Bakradze L.Sh., Tsimakuridze M.P., Kwerenchkhiladze R.G., kvartskhava M.L., Tsimakuridze Maia P., Kwerenchkhiladze.G.R.

Hygienic estimation of functional changes in a human body of the hot trades steelworkers

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.136-138


Tbilisi State Medical University; Department of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine


Functional changes have been investigated in a steelworkers’ body exposed by hot conditions  in the dry subtropical climate. The revealed functional changes have a temperate character. It has been established, that character and intensity functional changes of the workers’ body depends both  the industrial and non-industrial factors, such as character and intensity of thermal loading, climatic and geographical conditions of region, adaptation of the workers to these factors, the period of year. The conducted researches have laid down in a basis of the measures for work improvement.




“Viral genesisi of Non-Specific Urethritis (NSU)”

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.138-140


Medical Clinic “Herpes Center”,Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia


The author gives his views concerning the chronic prostatitis. He suggests that the disease is laid down by virus (or group of viruses) which exists in the cell during embryonic life. Lifelong effect of virus (or group of viruses) on cells may initiate different chronic inflammatory processes and different pathologic changes in the organism, including prostatitis.

Analysis of the literature showed a lack of a complete understanding of the causes and mechanisms of chronic prostatitis, but it also showed that the prostatitis syndrome is no longer a faceless myth. It is a reality, and the new awareness of its importance may give new hope for patients suffering from this intractable pain syndrome. Further research in this area will help to better understand the nature of chronic prostatitis and find the best possible solutions in its treatment. The current literature in mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (GPPS) is reviewed. Based on the literature and own observation it is suggested that, in the pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis are involved several mechanisms, and the mechanism of infection, especially in the later stages of the disease, is not determinative.

Carried out researches give us an opportunity to state that this disease begins in perinatal period by the group of viruses HSV-1, HSV-2, cytometalovirus infection. Confirmation PSR, IFA 500 histories of the disease of chronic prostatitis and chronis urethritis as well as methodic of antiviral treatment based on these researches – efficiency 98%.

Confirmation –carried out researches, controlled randomization.


48. Chkhaidze I.,  Maglakelidze N., Maglakelidze T., Chkhaidze N.

Prevalence and factors influencing cigarette smoking among medical and non-medical university students in Tbilisi, Georgia

J. Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 2011, 3, pp.140-142


Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgian Respiratory Association, Tbilisi, Georgia


The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence and factors influencing smoking habits among medical and non-medical students of Tbilisi, Georgia.

A cross-sectional study was carried out in Tbilisi State Medical University and Tbilisi State University. 400 students were asked to anonymously fill out standardized questionnaires. In total 48.9% of students were indentified to be smokers and 51.1% nonsmokers. Medical education did not play role in acquiring smoking habit, since 50%.3 among medical students were smokers and 47.5% among non-medical students. Smoking turned out to have strong relation with gender, males constituting of 68% smokers. 45.8% were light smokers, 40.2% moderate and 14.0% heavy smokers. Just 37.3% of smokers have tried to quit smoking. The willingness to quit smoking was expressed by 61.2% of medical and 56% of non-medical students. In conclusion, results of the study have identified the need of enhancement of smoking related education on university level. Special attention should be given to the inclusion of anti-smoking evidence-based information in study curricula.